September 2020 was an impressive month for MAP faculty with a staggering 36 publications representing 23 MAP faculty. It was also a great month for collaboration, with 6 papers by more than one MAP faculty. Check out the complete list of September publications below. Anderson, Matthew P., ... [David G. Amaral] ..., et al. "Autism BrainNetA Collaboration Between Medical Examiners, Pathologists, Researchers, and Families to Advance the Understanding and Treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorder." Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine (2020). Bansal, Sonia, ... [Steven J. Luck] .., et al. "Increased repulsion of working memory representations in schizophrenia." Journal of Abnormal Psychology (2020). Cohn-Sheehy, Brendan, ... [Andrew P. Yonelinas, Charan Ranganath] ..., et al. "Narratives bridge the divide between distant events in episodic memory." (2020). D'Ambra, Alexa, ... [Evan G. Antzoulatos, Diasynou Fioravante] ..., et al. "Cerebellar Activation Bidirectionally Regulates Nucleus Accumbens Shell and Core." bioRxiv(2020).
Dhir, Ashish, ... [Pamela J. Lein] .., et al. "Allopregnanolone and perampanel as adjuncts to midazolam for treating diisopropylfluorophosphate‐induced status epilepticus in rats." Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences (2020). Elmore, Sarah E., ... [Pamela J. Lein] .., et al. "Developmental Exposure to DDT or DDE Alters Sympathetic Innervation of Brown Adipose in Adult Female Mice." (2020). Ghetti, Simona, et al. "Cognitive Function Following Diabetic Ketoacidosis in Children With New-Onset or Previously Diagnosed Type 1 Diabetes." Diabetes Care (2020). Gold, James M., ... [Steven J. Luck] .., et al. "Refining the empirical constraints on computational models of spatial working memory in schizophrenia." Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging (2020). Hofer, Edith, ... [Charles DeCarli] .., et al. "Genetic correlations and genome-wide associations of cortical structure in general population samples of 22,824 adults." Nature Communications 11.1 (2020): 1-16. Jami, Shekib A., ... [A. Kimberley McAllister, John A. Gray] ..., et al. "Increased excitation-inhibition balance due to a loss of GABAergic synapses in the serine racemase knockout model of NMDA receptor hypofunction." bioRxiv(2020). Jang, Hyemin, ... [Charles DeCarli] ..., et al. "The Impact of Amyloid-β or Tau on Cognitive Change in the Presence of Severe Cerebrovascular Disease." Journal of Alzheimer's Disease Preprint: 1-13. Kamal, Kimia, ... [Gene G. Gurkoff] ..., et al. "Mechanical injury and blood are drivers of spatial memory deficits after rapid intraventricular hemorrhage." Neurobiology of Disease (2020): 105084. Kim, Kamin, ... [Charan Ranganath] ..., et al. "Neural Repetition Suppression Effects in the Human Hippocampus." Neurobiology of Learning and Memory (2020): 107269. Knol, Maria J., ... [Charles DeCarli] ..., et al. "Association of common genetic variants with brain microbleeds: A Genome-wide Association Study." Neurology (2020). Leonard, Matthew K., ... [David P. Corina] ..., et al. "Cortical Encoding of Manual Articulatory and Linguistic Features in American Sign Language." Current Biology (2020). Ly, Calvin, ... [Pamela J. Lein, David E. Olson] ..., et al. "Transient Stimulation with Psychoplastogens is Sufficient to Initiate Neuronal Growth." ACS Pharmacology & Translational Science (2020). Lyu, Muxuan, ... [John M. Henderson] ..., et al. "Overt attentional correlates of memorability of scene images and their relationships to scene semantics." Journal of Vision 20.9 (2020): 2-2. Mooney, Lindsey N., ... [Simona Ghetti] ...,et al. "Children with ASD Show Impaired Item‐Space Recollection, But Preserved Item‐Color Recollection." Autism Research. Niebaum, Jesse, and Yuko Munakata. "Deciding What to Do: Developments in Children’s Spontaneous Monitoring of Cognitive Demands." Child Development Perspectives (2020). Niebaum, Jesse, ... [Yuko Munakata] ..., et al. "Developing Adaptive Control: Age-related Differences in Task Choices and Awareness of Proactive and Reactive Control Demands." (2020). Ondek, Katelynn, ... [Gene G Gurkoff] ..., et al. "A new model of repeat mTBI in adolescent rats." Experimental Neurology (2020): 113360. Panesar, Harmanpreet Kaur, ... [Pamela J. Lein] ..., et al. "Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs): Risk Factors for Autism Spectrum Disorder?." Toxics8.3 (2020): 70. Patriarchi, Tommaso, ... [Brian J. Wiltgen, Lin Tian] ..., et al. "An expanded palette of dopamine sensors for multiplex imaging in vivo." Nature Methods (2020): 1-9. Petrea, Rodica Elena, ... [Charles DeCarli] ..., et al. "Mid to Late Life Hypertension Trends and Cerebral Small Vessel Disease in the Framingham Heart Study." Hypertension 76.3 (2020): 707-714. Preciado, Cristian, Michael James Starrett, and Arne D. Ekstrom. "Assessment of a Short, Focused Training to Reduce Symptoms of Cybersickness." Rehrig, Gwendolyn, ... [John M. Henderson] ..., et al. "When scenes speak louder than words: Verbal encoding does not mediate the relationship between scene meaning and visual attention." Memory & Cognition 48.7 (2020). Reinhardt, Vanessa P., ... [Simona Ghetti, David G. Amaral] ..., et al. "Understanding hippocampal development in young children with autism spectrum disorder." Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 59.9 (2020): 1069-1079. San Lee, Jin, ... [Charles DeCarli] ..., et al. "Association between APOE ε2 and Aβ burden in patients with Alzheimer-and Vascular-Type Cognitive Impairment." Neurology (2020). Sanborn, Victoria, ... [Charles DeCarli] ..., et al. "Association between Leptin, Cognition, and Structural Brain Measures Among “Early” Middle-Aged Adults: Results from the Framingham Heart Study Third Generation Cohort." Journal of Alzheimer's Disease Preprint (2020): 1-11. Scott, Haleigh, ... [Julie B Schweitzer] ..., et al. "Cognitive Training Deep Dive: The Impact of Child, Training Behavior and Environmental Factors within a Controlled Trial of Cogmed for Fragile X Syndrome." Brain Sciences 10.10 (2020): 671. Sell, Gabrielle L., and A. Kimberley McAllister. "Protecting Connections from Synapse Elimination." Trends in Neurosciences (2020). Shenaut, Gregory K., and Beth A. Ober. "Multi-Trial Episodic Recall and Recognition of Emotion-Laden Words in First Versus Second Language." Journal of Psycholinguistic Research (2020): 1-21. Starrett, Michael J., ... [Arne D. Ekstrom] ..., et al. "Landmarks: A solution for spatial navigation and memory experiments in virtual reality." Behavior Research Methods (2020): 1-14. Supasai, Suangsuda, ... [Pamela J. Lein] ..., et al. "Acute administration of diazepam or midazolam minimally alters long-term neuropathological effects in the rat brain following acute intoxication with diisopropylfluorophosphate." European Journal of Pharmacology (2020): 173538. Wang, Jun Yi, ... [Susan M, Rivera] ..., et al. "Cortical gyrification and its relationships with molecular measures and cognition in children with the FMR1 premutation." Scientific Reports 10.1 (2020): 1-13. Won, Bo-Yeong, ... [Geng, Joy J.] ..., et al. "Changes in visual cortical processing attenuate singleton distraction during visual search." Cortex(2020).
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